Dr. Sally Leivesley

Managing Director Newrisk Limited


Dr Sally Leivesley, PhD Lond., MSPD, BA(Hons) Qld., FICPEM,FRSA,MACE,MIABTI,RSES

Managing Director, Newrisk Limited, London – www.Newrisk.com;

Founder Member of TEG7 LLP London – former government cyber/security/ defence small group collaboration.


Unique global specialist in catastrophic risk across industry sectors and disciplines who advises companies and governments.  Chairs Permanent Monitoring Panel for Catastrophic Risk for the WFS (CERN) and is leading remote multinational science meetings on Covid-19 Mitigation; Engineering for Resilience in Infrastructure and Nuclear Conflict Mitigation- Dialogue through Science.  Member of the IAAC community London and panel adviser on the first British IET and CPNI supported publication for Cyber Security for the Built Environment publication and currently on the panel updating this early initiative.


Communicator since 2001 on many international television news outputs including BBC World Service describing live incidents and all major forms of threat – cyber, terrorism, aviation, Polonium-210 and Novichok poisonings, Beslan child hostages, security issue with Iran, DPRK, USA Presidential security,  international incidents, Covid-19, and unexplained incidents such as MH370 leading to media stories in all countries on novel concept of cyber hijack as new risk in civil aviation.  Early work included Australian State Government Cabinet Office appointments to lead two disaster recovery units and to modernise an emergency service.


International conference speaker including assisting in the design of and speaking to ADIPEC’s first cyber security panel.  Worked across hazardous industry sites and commissioned to report on the three major nuclear power plant disasters (Chernobyl, TMI, Fukushima) and Consultant to the financial sector on post-Fukushima contamination effects.  Extensive field exercising over ten years with emergency services and industry on major event security and  major threats across government and industry sectors ranging from improvised nuclear devices and biological/chemical threats to accidents and terrorism on transportation and confined space tunnel incidents.


Early training by British Home Office as Scientific Advisor for national survival from nuclear, chemical and biological weapons effects, consultant and (Cold War) appointment for operations in nuclear bunkers.  PhD London University on catastrophic risk across all industry sectors, awarded in field of Economics.  Author three international patents in field of materials chemistry for explosion protection.  Grandfather in CBRN for the British Register of Security Engineers and Specialists RSES, Member 25 years of the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators (IABTI) and Member of the Royal United Services Institute.